There has never been a good X-men movie. Not one. Maybe that's why Marvel appear to be burying the X-men in recent years in favour of the Inhumans as they don't have the rights to make one themselves. Its painful to watch/experience/read at times. If someone tries the "But what about First Class?" on you remind them that they killed of Darwin - who's power was survival. Also, red Havok? Come on. It annoys me that the X-men are either buried or stuck in the same recycled storylines in the comics in recent years. I am fine with a Marvel cinematic universe without the X-men (despite them being my favourites) but having Marvel's inability to make movies about them affect the treatment of the characters in the comic universe is really disappointing.
These days you can almost guarantee that any given X-men storyline running is linked to Apocalypse or time travel. Rarely does the narrative stray from these two things. Its a pain in the arse. Uncanny X-force handled an Apocalypse storyline wonderfully - it was perfect. Everything following it since has been lacking and rather pointless. The Apocalypse Wars thing felt like it had no direction and I still have no clue what the hell is going on. Apocalyps even seeped into Avengers territory with the Uncanny Avengers run which was sort of okay but ultimately did nothing apart from melt half of Havok's face off. If its not about apocalypse its about time travel. Beast bringing the younger X-men from time gone by to the present was a bit of a shocker. They spent so long harping on about how it had broken time and all this however there was no real resolution other than: "Hey! We're staying! This is fine I guess." What? Didn't the universe just collapse and have to be rebuilt cause of this shenanigans? Jesus.
Then we have the Inhumans. Who I cannot muster a care for past Black Bolt. The Inhumans haven't been interesting to me since War of Kings - which was phenomenal. The Inhumans have always done better alongside cosmic heroes in my opinion. I am dreading Inhumans vs X-men as the set up to it in Death of X was just a long parade of ludicrousness which killed off Multiple Man for no real reason. Half the characters didn't seem to care about it in the following issues. Thanks for your service, Jamie. Its not as if Volumes 14-17 of X-Factor were stellar and a joy to read or anything... Two of my favourite characters; Hellion and Elixir were turned into cannon fodder for the build up of tensions between Inhumans and X-men and although Hellion is technically still alive and Elixir rose from the dead - it still sucked to have it happen regardless.
I haven't entirely lost hope as it wasn't that long ago that X-men storylines were amazing. Necrosha, Second Coming, Utopia, Schism, The Apocalypse Solution and Return of Legion were all so good. Hope was even returned momentarily when they had an X-men title that was entirely X-women because 70% of the best X-men characters are not dudes! It feels like Marvel still have the resources in regards to X-titles - they just aren't using them. They've jettisoned off X-men to different Avengers teams instead which is nothing new but it feels like, in recent years, they're migrating whoever they want to keep away from the X-men umbrella.
So to end this on a high note here's some runs/stories I'd recommend reading if you want to see the true magic of the X-men:
- Necrosha
- Schism
- Utopia
- Second Coming
- Astonishing X-men
- X-Factor Mutant Investigations
- Uncanny X-Force: Apocalypse Solution
- New Mutants
- Storm
- X-23
- X-Force
- Gambit
- Gary
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