My Ideal Superteam

Well seeing as its Christmas I thought I'd write about something that I'd want. In short I've put together what my ideal Superteam would be. No, its not just going to be a list of my favourites because that wouldn't be a balanced team. I needed to think about this one. I brained real hard and good on this and my thinks did good probably. Thank.

To preface this I'm going to say that my ideal in terms of numbers for a team would be around 6 members with 3 reserves that swap in and out, as teams in the Marvel universe are known to do. Here we go!

Member 1: Leader Figure - Storm

Come on, honestly? Was there anybody else apart from maybe Captain America that I'd pick to lead my team? Storm has lead the X-men more times than I've fallen down staircases (a lot) and she has a goddamn mohawk. Back when X-Treme X-men was still a thing she trapped Emma Frost in a gale force wind. She then told her that even if she was in diamond form - she could kill her with a stick and the right wind speed. I would follow someone who could shatter diamonds with a twig. That's scary as shit.

Member 2: The Powerhouse - Hyperion

Every team needs the "Big Fuck-off Powerful" one. No, I didn't choose Hyperion because he's ginger and you can't prove that. So, Hyperion is a ginger from another dimension where his earth was destroyed. He's a good lad (most of the time, he does do a murder now and then) who has laser eyes and immense levels of power. Some versions of Hyperion are evil tyrants but I'm selecting Avengers World/Time Runs Out Hyperion. The one who just wanted to be a cool dad and stop the end of all reality from coming around.

Member 3: The Skillful - Union Jack

No Superpowers here just good old fashioned Union Jack stabbing things, stealthing things and bringing a sense of impending mortality. Most regular humans with impeccable skills would be seen as a weakness and are often underestimated (see: Hawkeye or The Punisher). However Union Jack was one of the few heroes left to answer the call in Ends of the Earth. He was stabbed whilst driving a motorbike on his way to single-handedly dismantling a 20 foot tall Octopus robot. He even did it in an agreeable time-window. What a considerate and useful dude!

Member 4: The Psychic - Rachel Grey

Nobody wants their brain messed with. Nobody wants to be bamboozled, confounded, tricked, duped, controlled or flummoxed. That's why you need a Psychic to protect your arse (and brain). Rachel has been through some shit, she's been enslaved, traveled through time and also has to be ginger. She is capable of hosting the Phoenix Force (that never goes badly!) and she can misdirect minds with the best of em.

Member 5: The Dickhead - Hellion

Every team has the dickhead. The shit. The snarky goblin-person who likes to undermine authority and be brash. So it makes perfect sense that it should be my son, my light - Julian Keller. An angry boy, a proud boy. A hero who, after losing his hands to a Sentinel, refused to let his ailments stop him from being a dick. We salute you, Hellion. Telekinesis never looked so angsty.

Member 6: Tech and Resources - Abigail Brand

I've been a big fan of Abigail Brand ever since my first encounter with her in Astonishing X-men when she tried to get between the X-men and that dude from Breakworld. A no-nonsense space badass with access to resources as far as the galaxy goes. She also gets a lot of space stations commissioned that she is then put in charge of. People trust her. Space espionage is hard, good to have her around.

Reserve 1: Magic/Mystic - Iron Fist

Danny works better alone or in a pair. However, he did kill a fucking dragon with his bare hands and punched a speeding bullet train.

Reserve 2: Alien Royalty - Xavin

Everyone's favourite non-binary Skrull. Once had their neck snapped and then just decided not to be dead again. What an inspiration. It is always useful to have pull on the intergalactic stage with a title. Just ask Black Bolt or Vulcan! Actually, don't ask Vulcan.

Reserve 3: Teleporter - Cloak

Look at him. Tell me Cloak isn't cool. Don't lie to me. He teleports people with his goth blanket. A masterclass.
