Gary's Top Five Marvel Teams

Individual heroes are all well and good but when they team up its often something to behold. Some work well in teams and others team up reluctantly. Regardless of purpose or circumstance - team ups make the world go round. I love super teams and crossovers because I like to see my favourite heroes (and sometimes villains) working in tandem. If you have a group of characters that compliment one another well you're on your way to a successful story. So without further waffle here are my top 5 favourite Marvel teams.

5. The Xtreme X-men 

I was a big fan of this version of the X-men. Sage and Bishop's buddy cop dynamic, Storm leading the team (always a good sign) and of course Gambit and Rogue getting murdered then somehow coming back to life. Its all fun and games. Excellent supporting characters like Thunderbird and Lifeguard were welcome additions and its a shame they left the team.

4. The Circle of Four

Although not an official team, they are bound by fate now. That's what happens when you all die within the space of ten minutes together and make a deal with Mephisto to return to the land of the living. This is the fate that befell Ghost Rider, X-23, Red Hulk and Agent Venom in the Circle of Four arc. I picked it up on a whim but I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the shenanigans regarding the portal to hell that was accidentally opened. Thrown together seemingly at random, these guys averted a demonic apocalypse. Hopefully their intertwined fates weren't forgotten with the universe reboot following Secret Wars because I'd like to see a follow up.

3. The Runaways

Being children of rich parents must be nice. I mean up until you find out that they're all in some sort of ancient giant-worshiping sacrificial cult. It would appear at this point you may feel the want to run away from your parents, very far away. Well that's what happened here and that's why they're called The Runaways. A rag-tag group of kids from all over the universe and even the time stream, bonded by their mutual path of unknown destiny. There is also a dinosaur. A must-read for anyone, superhero fan or not. I hope you like to cry because let me tell you, there's a lot of feelings to be had here.

2. Avengers - The Avengers Machine

This is my favourite iteration of the Avengers. Cap and Iron man put their heads together to create a machine, not just a team. A machine with many parts, the parts being heroes and they all worked in tandem to protect the earth from threats both local and universal. Many heroes got the Avengers call up including my favourites Cannonball and Sunspot from the X-men/New Mutants. Another addition to the machine that made me very happy was the Master of Kung Fu - Shang Chi. I'm guessing he earned his spot after his work with the Secret Avengers in recent years. Love that guy.

1. The New Mutants

Let me start by saying its definitely not cheating that Cannonball and Sunspot are in two teams on this list. I will not apologise for it and you can't make me. I love the New Mutants because they're comprised of some of the best characters the X-men have spawned including Magik, Dani Moonstar and Warlock. They even let Nate Grey join during his "I refuse to wear an undershirt or shoes" phase. Its also worth pointing out that Magma played a huge role in the first X-men: Legends game. Kids really are the future.

- Gary
